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XCTRA Services is Innovation

XCTRA Service, Inc is not a one idea system.  We offer the ability to tackle the more complex challenges that happen around the world.  Our teams travel the world to find governmental and corporate projects that need to highest collaborative resources to take a project from inception, through compliance and funding, handle regulator challenges, and carry the project through to completion.

Project Management

Our teams are world-class with international reach ready to bring a multitude of skills to the project.  We look for ready-to-run projects that needs skills not readily available other sources.  Once the feasibility studies and early financial commitments are beyond the vision stage, contact JAMR Solutions to discover how we can bring your project to life.

  • Airport development
  • Large waste management projects
  • Innovative Energy projects
  • Mining operations and Mineral logistics
  • Pharmaceutical testing and development
  • Property development and management

In short, we represent a vast array of engineers, resources, financial resources, and technicians who can be assembled to tackle major projects that most contractors cannot fully serve.

Project Management

The genius that drives our system are the amazing inner core of international experts that come together to bring a great idea into reality.  Whether a billion dollar hydroelectric plant in India, the need to rebuild the aging infrastructure of the American electrical grid, or the environmental crisis of deconstructing landfills around the world, we believe that the genius and resources exist to solve these problem.  XCTRA exists to provide the collective ability to tackle, innovate, and implement a better solution to the world.

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